Hond Mirthe en konijn snuffie

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In today’s video, we’re going to talk about the Causes, Prevention, and Cure of Rabbit Snuffles.
Nobody wants their pet rabbits to get sick. It’s a sad thing to see your beloved bunny feeling sick and experiencing pain. Just like any other creature, there are times when rabbits acquire certain kinds of diseases. One of the most common diseases that can strike our cute rabbits is snuffles. It’s so common that even experienced rabbit breeders have dealt with this disease. Snuffle is a familiar disease that can destroy your rabbit’s health.
Always remember that conducting online research is essential for raising rabbits. Part of the care that we provide our pets is learning how to treat and prevent diseases like snuffles. We want to ensure that our pet remains happy and healthy. It’s also necessary that we know what steps to take to prevent any sickness or diseases that can cause pain and harm to our pets.
Rabbit Snuffles.
It’s a life-threatening disease that can kill your pet. It’s also very contagious, and for this reason, we must know how to combat it properly. Rabbit snuffles can affect not only the eyes and ears of your rabbit but also other organs. Early detection is crucial to ensure that our rabbit will be able to survive. If left untreated, snuffles can become fatal and chronic. And since it’s contagious, there’s a high probability that other rabbits may also acquire the disease.
We must be able to know and identify diseases. For us to detect it, we need to know the symptoms. Also known as pasteurellosis, the symptoms of snuffles can sometimes mimic that of respiratory diseases. It can lead to blindness, abscesses, and destruction of the reproductive organ.
Causes and Symptoms of Rabbit Snuffles.
The diseases are caused by bacteria called bacterium pasteurellosis. This bacteria can be found in the rabbit’s body or encounters from other pets. This naturally occurring bacterium is highly contagious, and it’s very easy for one rabbit to infect other rabbits. You do note, though, that there are rabbits out there that are immune to the mentioned bacterium.
When a rabbit is hit by snuffles, you’ll notice that its eyes become watery, and they experience runny nose and sneezing. Runny eyes happen since their tear ducts are clogged by the discharges – the same reason why they experience runny nose and sneezing. Head tilting also happens, and this is caused by neurological damage. Because of the neurological damage, the rabbit develops a head tilt. Skin sores and matted fur is can also be observed. Matted fur happens when your pet rubs its nose, and the discharges mat their fur.
Diagnosis of Rabbit Snuffles.
After seeing symptoms of snuffles, the most important thing that you need to do is to send your rabbit to a veterinarian. Make sure that you know a reliable and experienced vet who is knowledgeable when it comes to treating snuffles. You can also ask for tips or advice from fellow rabbit breeders or raisers who know a reputable veterinarian in your area.
What can you expect from the veterinarian? The vet will ask you some questions regarding what signs and symptoms you’ve noticed. It’s also common for them to ask you how long have you noticed these symptoms and if your pet has been around other animals that have appeared to have similar symptoms. This is why we encourage you to note the behavior and mood of your rabbit from time to time.
The vet will then conduct a physical examination on your rabbit. This is done to identify any obvious signs and causes for your rabbit’s snuffles. The vet may want to rule out enclosure, diet, and supplements as the culprits of the signs and symptoms. Blood work may also be conducted and so gathering samples of any discharge is to be expected. To confirm whether or not your rabbit has Pasteurella or snuffle, these tests must be conducted.
It’s also not surprising if the vet may go over the health history of your rabbit. Although this is not a guarantee that the vet will be able to determine the specific bacteria. There are also instances when the veterinarian will ask your permission to proceed to image tests or tools such as X-rays to determine whether or not your rabbit has snuffles.
Source: https://herebunny.com/care/rabbit-snuffles
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Een knuffel van mensen is leuk, maar voor konijnen is het samen zijn met soortgenoten echt van belang. Ze slapen tegen elkaar aan, wassen elkaar en vinden steun bij elkaar. Dus, de beslissing is genomen: er komt een nieuw konijn bij! Maar hoe zorg je ervoor dat ze vrienden worden? Dierenarts Piet Hellemans geeft je de beste tips voor een succesvolle koppeling.
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